Monday, July 30, 2007

Knowledge is power

Someone I know just posted this in a MySpace bulletin:

Subject: an inconvenient truth
Body: check this movie out, necessary stuff

Knowledge is power, arm yourself!

Apparently people still see "An Inconvenient Truth" as the only source of information about climate change. Nothing wrong with checking that movie out, it does give an insight into certain things.

The addition "Knowledge is power, arm yourself!" however suggests, that this movie gives you the knowledge you need. If knowledge is power, knowing that one source will not hold the whole truth would be a crucial starting point. At least have the decency to point out its flaws and list alternative sources of information.

Arm yourself!


Gijs said...

Wat allemaal waar is en niet in die film weet ik niet. Het domme vind ik dat zo'n pop-film nodig is om mensen bewust te maken van vervuiling. Ineens is iedereen milieu-expert.

Anonymous said...

Great work.